Thursday, April 8

Oddly Named Cars

I am by no means a car fan--this here girl drives a bike. Still, I've been noticing car names around Amsterdam recently and some things simply don't translate (or translate well.) Over the last several days I've seen:

Panda Hobby (huh? is this car meant for a kindergardener?)
Scenic (well, certainly not the traffic...)
Charisma (this one was an old beater, so it needed some)
Galaxy (more appropriate for a chocolate bar, methinks)
Berlingo (an English language institute?)
Sharan (too close to Sharon, the name the British give to stupid women)

and finally:
Move (taking things at their most literal)

I wonder why car makers have decided to go all colorful on this side of the Atlantic. Yes, the brands are the same: Audi, Hyundai, BMW, etc. Only the car names are so frickin' weird, like someone allowed their kid to tag them as they rolled off the factory floor. I mean, in America our cars are so much more macho. We've got trailblazers, rangers, hummers and rams. Manly cars that roam on the ever expanding range.


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