Friday, June 23

Relationships are like herring

My relationship is suddenly falling apart and I'm beginning to wonder if it's as simple as something like herring. The Dutch love herring so much they celebrate the opening of herring season, pay exorbitant prices for the first barrel at auction(this year's barrel sold for a record NLG 120,000 and was donated to a volunteer group assisting people with psychiatric problems--guess crazies need more protein?)and rush onto the streets to sample it, while hopefully televised by the local media, which is also absorbed with this salty delicacy. Unlike the Dutch, I do not love herring. I can appreciate it, I know it's readily available and currently, great quality and yet I just don't dig herring. Dangle it in front of my face and I will not open my jaw like a Dutchman. I'll probably run away. Maybe this is the issue with my relationship--we simply like different things and are frustrated that the other can't understand quality (from our particular perspective) when they see it. He gives me everything, the question is: do I want it? Would I accept herring everyday harboring no desire for herring? If I like sushi, shouldn't I live with someone who likes sushi instead? We're still talking raw fish, but there are so many degrees of difference.


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