Friday, November 26

Loving the subway!

So work means taking the subway—either a joy or my ungluing, depending on its reliability. Now I’ve taken the subway in New York City, where my daily commute was much, much longer (and yet more efficient,) but I’m finding the subway in Amsterdam comparable, though much less fun. Because face it, New York is full of 8 million New Yorkers who comprise the colorful jetsam and flotsam of human existence and Amsterdam just can’t compete statistically. There are fewer crazies and eccentrics here and Calvinists just aren’t that showy, anyhow.

But what’s remarkably the same about the subway here is once you enter through its doors you’re faced immediately with a sea of black coats and equally dark faces staring at electronic gadgets, making the lack of human contact all the more apparent. My daily commute includes a cross-section of sleepy university students, well-heeled business types, Moroccans and Turks in headscarves, older people and teens of all races looking tough and forever bored. The metropolitan mix is different but the drudgery of being stuck in a moving metallic box with strangers remains the same.

Still, all the sobriety of public transportation feels rather un-Dutch to me, somehow, as the Dutch are known for wearing orange to celebrate national holidays and when I first moved here, let’s just say it was no fashion faux pas to wear lime green sneakers with bright red jeans. So what has changed? Perhaps it’s as simple as this: it’s winter.


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