Vacation Response
I'm out of town for a month or so, with irregular Internet access. So infrequent postings but I have every intention of continuing! So stay tuned...
I'm out of town for a month or so, with irregular Internet access. So infrequent postings but I have every intention of continuing! So stay tuned...
From the foreign hostess’s perspective, I’ve found feeding the Dutch, whose culinary habits rival the Poles for bland, stodgy food, an on-going challenge. That’s because the Dutch will rarely ask if you find their food good—what’s more important is having enough to eat, perhaps a fallback to war rationing or generations of Calvinistic denial. But when it comes to Dutch cheese, I eat my words. It’s a failsafe staple that makes everyone happy, which is why I made a triple-cheese lasagna last night for guests.
Having spent several nights indulging in my ultimate weakness--watching MTV--I've been thinking about sex (unavoidable in just about every video shown on TV), especially in regards to the differences between Holland and the States. It has been shown that in countries like The Netherlands, where many families talk openly with children about sex/sexuality, there is greater cultural openness and improved sexual health among young people.
Understanding the social relations and political backdrop of a new country always presents a challenge. While the Dutch are reticent to admit it, they’re actually quite racist--or becoming more so despite their liberal intentions (which, ironically, are the very basis for the current situation.) Much of this tension rests with the Moroccan population, which seems generally frustrated and unhappy here. Whether that’s due to an inability or refusal to integrate or a history of being treated like vermin in their own country, is difficult to say. In my experience so far, they are not particularly approachable people, and being religiously conservative, lack tolerance of their new environment—a great paradox considering how the Dutch pride themselves on this quality.
I learned a phrase—meant as a compliment—that is the English equivalent of: you odd nose blower. They are a direct people (if they weren’t the country would be flooded), far removed from romance. Calling someone an ass or little shit is an endearment in Dutch. An insult runs more along the lines of: “aso,” (meaning asocial, you're outside social mores) or if something sucks, you say it’s “a ball sack" i.e. a scrotum, which seems to have universal associations.