Friday, December 2

About Me

Why start More than Cheese? Dozens of reasons, but here’s a few:
the Netherlands is bitterly cold, it rains with absurd frequency (think: monsoon, but arctic), writing helps me maintain perspective, newly-hatched expats possess a burning urge to comment on everything, until I master Dutch and find gainful employment, let’s just say I’ve got time on my hands, and after years of shameless singledom, I’m in love with a man who warms my feet in bed better than any electric blanket on the market.

Why read More than Cheese? Because you’re hungry for irreverent commentary, what towering Northern Europeans do when they’re not eating cheese intrigues you, you’ve mistaken the Dutch decimalization of marijuana for a liberal mindset and you'd love the inside scoop, you’re cynical from trawling for a mate in all the stock places and know it’s time to give your skepticism the boot, you’re an expat who enjoys similar musings, like me, you're Going/Going/Gone Dutch, or you’re my Mother.


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